I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. This has been a long time coming, the end of reviews and approvals, knowing we’re nearly there… but just not there yet.
Our file is at the final stages of the pre-construction process. Final requirements include:
- All variations for our plan amendments and selections have been raised
- Ensure opening direction of all windows, sliding doors, bi-fold doors and stacker doors are correct
- Ensure light and power point positions do not interfere with opening doors
- Location of gas point/s have been nominated and are correct
- Location of hose cocks have been nominated and is correct (including nominated recycled taps)
- Where timber flooring is being used, consideration has been made for floor heights and architrave requirements
Upon approval of our Development Application from the council, Eden Brae will then review all outstanding approvals, plans and documentation noted.
No further variations can be made from this point on.
A Post Contract Variation will then be raised noting Council Conditions. Once signed, the Final Construction Drawings and Final Variation List will be prepared by Eden Brae. Together, these documents will form the Final Documents including variation list, colour selections, electrical plan, kitchen plan and construction drawings complied together.
Once the Final Documents are signed and finance is in place, Eden Brae release the build to construction/trade and complete the ordering process ready for your construction to commence.
If required, a Site Start appointment can be arranged and is the opportunity for any further queries prior to production.