
Final Construction Drawings and Variation List for Approval

Take the time to review. Don’t rush this process.

The email came through, subject line: abc (file name)_Final Documents.

This is it I thought. Wow, our home is about to be finalised and now ready to build. I can’t explain this feeling, possibly a mix of emotions. Its taken us the last 6-months to plan and design our new home, make decisions and hope they’re right. Its also involved late nights reviewing floor plans and PCVs, murmurs in my sleep about dimensions (I’ve been told) and knowing that what we’ve been through so far, we’d possibly not experience again anytime soon.

We had 3-days to review the attached email files.

  • Final construction drawings
  • Final variation list
  • Colour schedule
  • External colours
  • Final floor plans
  • End Panel (all the PCVs raised throughout the process)
  • Kitchen plan
  • Electrical plan

It’s finally happening I kept thinking to myself, signing with today’s date, page-by-page.

We had to re-visit the End Panel document another night as it was difficult to jump backwards and forwards through all the PCVs raised from the start of the design phase to now. As you may have already gathered, PCVs are not raised in any particular order other than when you request it, so it’s a nightmare trying to marry each change within this documentation.

This is the absolute last chance to review all documentation before production. Any inconsistencies, this is the time to raise them with your Customer Service Administrator.


Duration from receipt of documentation to final approval:

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