Meet: Breathe Magazine Australia
Breathe Magazine, I’m in love. I met you whilst binge reading other magazines within close proximity, waiting to be served in the supermarket queue.
To be honest, I don’t usually buy magazines. I only really read them during my supermarket shop; or when I’m sitting in the hairdressers and catching-up on the latest Hollywood gossip; or simply downloading between friends as they’re more in-tuned with what’s going on in the world than I am.
That said, I was actually driven to buy Breathe Magazine, would you believe it? At AU$12.95, it’s a slightly more expensive read than most, but once I started it, I subconsciously added it to the moving conveyor belt with the rest of my groceries… I wanted to continue reading where I left off.
What’s so good about it you ask? Like the title says Breathe and make time for yourself. It’s full of thinking matters and inspiration rather than fueled with media hype. Breathe Magazine challenges your thoughts and let’s you think about day-to-day life and wellbeing.
I took a photo of this magazine and What’s App‘d it to a few friends asking if they knew of it. Unfortunately no-one had however at the time, I didn’t realise it was a new. bi-monthly publication with a shelf life only at Issue 3 thus far.
Breathe Magazine is definitely something different, one to keep an eye on – detoxing your thoughts from being polluted at times and simply being you.