
Eden Brae supplier: Actron Air


This was a quick appointment with Actron Air. We didn’t have plans to consider any additional air-conditioning requirements other than those included. We decided to keep the Classic air-conditioning unit and not upgrade. Do make sure you have factored this in already on your house drawings as it’s quite a large object. The indicative dimensions are D 580mm x H 990mm x W 1320mm for the SRA153C – 14.7kw unit. There are also external location restrictions which includes a minimum 1.3m from boundary and minimum 1.5m-2m from gas HWS.

We also maintained the round air-conditioning ceiling vents. There is a selection of other vents available, however these do come at an additional cost.

When you’re at your appointment, do also request the Return Air Grill to be placed in the most discreet place possible. We’ve seen these at the top of a stair well or visible from the main lounge area, but it does depend on whether it will fit in an alternate location and which way the roof truss timbers run. Your request to move is peace of mind that you’ve asked, but it’s never guaranteed.

We did agree to purchase the additional room zone to be able to control a separate section of the house with the air-conditioning (the package comes with 3-included zones, not 4).

After today’s appointment, all remaining correspondence is via email.

Appointment length:

Timeframe from initial appointment to final approval: 
7-days / 1-week

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